Good morning cozy critters! Today is all about the coffee you want without having to go buy it. A lot of people go buy coffee from starbucks or another coffee place. Well I have the gadgets here so you can make your own from home. I personally love coffee and make it daily at home. Now first thing is espresso, now you could get your own machine that can only make this at home ; also tend to be pricey. However there is now a portable espresso machine that you can take where ever you go for the little pick up you may need. One of my biggest favorite memories is when my dad would load his big machine up to make some espresso. So to now be able to take it any where is huge for me. It will be a lot cheaper than getting those shots every day from your favorite coffee place. Great to take to the office or camping! Okay so you want a frothy hot beverage but not sure what or how the popular coffee places do this. Here it is, milk frother. This gadget is very inexpensive and great addition for the home because not only good for coffee but for quick whip ups such as eggs or whip cream. Now during the summer a cold brew is what you want but when you brew at home you normally have to wait because gotta put it in the fridge or use ice that will water it down. Here is a cool gadget that creates that cold brew in only 15 min that is enough time to go do a few quick pick ups in the home. This will save you so much in the long run because you will not be going every day to get that cold brew you want. So one thing that seems to hold some people back including myself from creating more unique coffee beverages is coffee not ground up. I normally buy pre ground coffee which cost more and does not have the extra kick because it was ground long before I bought it. Grinding coffee right before using it has in my opinion a better smell and taste along with a better kick. This also allow you to buy your favorite starbucks coffee beans and take them home to make your own coffee masterpiece. Now I know that taste is everything I do not have links for this but I always go to Pintrest to look at home starbucks makes their drinks so for any ideas on how once you have these go there. Have a cozy day!
