Good morning cozy critters so one of the biggest trends I see a lot is videos of people organizing their kitchen. Now as a mom I see this being useful to keeping my kitchen cleaner and using items in a timely matter. One of the things I noted a lot in the videos are storage bin with a good seal, in various sizes and clear. I think these are great because how many of you opened cereal and it is stale from not being properly sealed back up? I know kids often forget to wrap the cereal back after opening. I know when I was younger I just forgot for many different reasons. Below is a set of 24 in different sizes with good sealing lids and labels, all for only 40$! Next thing is canned goods. We all have canned goods and for a lot of people a huge staple in their kitchen old to young we all get something we like in a can. However sometimes a can slip pass our radar and expires before you eat it making the trash heavier as a result. With the link below there is a can organizer that rotates the items towards you allowing you to keep the older stuff closer to being pick and newer items to the back creating a good cycle of eating what needs to be eaten in time. Only 25$ it can save you from food waste and keep your organization skills in check. Alright take a look in your fridge....I will wait...okay now that you are back how many of you looks to see items on every shelf with barely any organization. I have gone into my fridge so many times looking for something and have to look every where to find that one thing. It is very often not clean either. A link below will send you to a 8 pack of fridge storage units for less than 25$. This way certain items can be stored in them creating a better looking fridge. For me with kids this helps creating snacks that can be stored in these and keeps them from asking where and what is a snack. It also can help with keeping the whole fridge clean because certain items can be stored in the bins and washed instead of washing the whole fridge. Lets spice it up a little now (hehe) I personally currently store all my spice in a line on top of my oven. However the amount of space available is none, causing me not to get as many spices as I would like because I do like being able to see all of them. Below is a link I personally will using to get a very easy spice rack that can hold up to 21 spices. With the rack comes the jars, a small funnel to transfer ones that you may have in different size jar and common spice labels such as basil. The also provide a few blank ones for and spice queens or kings that get odd spices. The whole set up is only 30$ and can be a great gift for anyone who cooks. Well cozy critters that is all I have for today. Have a wonderful cozy home day!
