Hello from me on a rainy day where I am, today with the weather here got me thinking about playing on my PlayStation staying warm. Now we all do not play on gaming systems so those who do not sorry that is today's topic. So as a light gamer myself and have many gamers in my life I know that there is a lot we want to do to our gaming area to make it just a little more magical. A good chair is always nice because we live in that chair while we adventure in our game, possible for hours on end. A good chair provides support and positioning while possible looking cool. with that said below is a picture and link to an awesome gaming chair that less than 100$ which today is a great price. The chair also has different color options. Now lighting. Some people like no light which is not a good options because in the end our eyes hurt so much for staring at one screen in poor lighting that in the end we end up with a headache. Other option most people have is using normal lights that may just take you out of gaming mood pretty fast. I suggest lighting strips that can provide an ambient lighting source without killing our eyes or mood while gaming. Now for some more savvy people after installing the lights you can add simple non flammable stuffing over the lights creating a more cloudy sky effect in the room your in. Below is light strips that cost only 20$ with a picture of how a cloudy room light set up looks like. Now some like to hear nothing but the game but hate wearing headphones due to many different reasons. Me personally I have kids so I need to be able to hear them along with dogs who let me know when they gotta use the potty. So my option is a good speaker system that will not break the bank. With a good system I can have the game surround me while still be able to hear which ever will need me. The speakers below i like because you can move around when needed and below 100$. Good luck to all my gamers out there and have a wonderful day!
