Good morning Cozy critters. Today I would like to talk about keeping you air clean and reset your mind to nature. Both can be achieved by keeping plants in the house. Now I hear it all the time I can not keep anything alive for the life of me or I am not home enough to keep them alive. Well bully on you because there are so many options when it comes to your home plants. I personally forget to water my plants till I got better. My favorite thing is growing fresh herbs inside the house such as basil and rosemary. Now I am lucky enough I get a good amount of morning sun through my kitchen window allowing me to grow my plants there. Now there are options for those who do not get enough sun light but really do want some fresh home grown herbs. This gadget (picture and link below)is small enough for many places and creates sun light plus keeps the plants watered. It will not cost an arm and a leg and creates a fun project for families. Now I would like to note that having plants inside your home helps clean the air all around your family and provides fresh oxygen which in turn will help your overall health! So for those who say well I am not home enough to water them or I forget to water the plants. Well guess what there is a cool product just for you busy people that will slowly water you plants for you at a rate that the plants need. These cool water globes are simple to use and reasonable priced. All you have to do is fill with water and put into your plants pot to keep them watered. Now you may wonder okay what plants do I want in my home. It all really depends I am a cook and fresh herbs are wonderful to have but maybe you are not a cook. Maybe you have pets or maybe you still do not want to take on something that needs a lot of water. Succulents are a great starter for anyone just dipping your toes in to having house plants. They are similar to cactus only requiring a little bit of water from time to time. Spider Plants(common name not sure of actual name) are very cool and basically you can look at them and tell when to water them. Below I posted a link to at home starter kit for succulents and cactus that allows you to give it an easy go. I have quite a number of those now because what is nice is it is really easy to procreate. Meaning really easy to make baby succulents. Now I have a cat and a few dogs so as many wonder what plants are good to grow for them? Well you can grown cat nip or cat grass giving your fuzzy kitty friend,a green gift is always nice. As for dogs natural herbs such as mint and eucalyptus help prevent bugs and pest that may bother your animals. Citronella Plants repel mosquito which cause heart worms in animals. Plants are an amazing addition to any home of any type and reminds us that nature is important for life. Now for some real fun why not try growing some of your own food? Easy go to is start some strawberries below is a kit that come with what you need to get started so that maybe you can try your green thumb. never to late to give it a go and can be a great time with kids or friends as you watch the literally fruits of your labor. Well that is all for today cozy critters. Have a cozy day.
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